Monday, September 15, 2014

Last Week of August! (9/1/2014)

Crazy how time flies by. I was looking at my journal a year ago this past week and it was quite hilarious!! I was getting into the swing of things in Vanderhoof...missions are just such an adventure!
On Monday, a little girl named Rosie got baptized in our ward. It was such a spiritual baptismal service! There were lots of people there that weren't members, which was really cool. They could just feel the spirit so strongly! Melissa came early to the baptism, so that we could give her a church tour. It was the first time that she ever stepped into a church in her life! It was so amazing. Ken was able to come as well as Debbie and her two kids. We just had a spiritual feast! 
Tuesday, we felt so bad that we hadn't been to the food bank in a long time. So, we went for an hour in the morning. One of the guys that volunteers there was asking us all these questions about what we do as missionaries. It was fun answering all of his questions. 

Then we went and taught Mandy. She's so cute! We finished going over the plan of salvation with her and it was just crazy. So many things that she has never heard of, it was kind of overwhelming. It just makes me so grateful to know that I grew up knowing about these things and how simple it is really. God loves us and he has a plan for us.

Then we went and taught Ken and Shelley! Turns out Shelley isn't all that interested, but Ken is still doing awesome. We're just mainly going to focus on teaching him and helping him progress, while still keeping Shelley a part of that process. 

Then we went and helped a member's neighbor with her garden. She had this plant that she doesn't want any more, so I had to use my big strong muscles to dig it out so she could get rid of it. It was quite fun! I want to have a garden when I go home, since I've been doing all this gardening here on the island. 

In the evening, we taught Mick! He knows the church is true. I'm just trying to be patient so that he can work things out with his wife. It's just hard when you just want to help people so badly, but really we can't do anything else. It's all up to him now.

Wednesday, we had district meeting! This might be our last one together *sniff sniff.* It was really good & I learned a lot :) Then we had a miracle happen: a member who just got reactivated brought a friend to church a couple weeks back. We were able to meet her and ask her if she wanted to learn more and she said yes! So exciting! So hopefully we will be able to start teaching her and help her progress. 

Then, we taught this man named Chris. He can't get over the fact that we believe in the Great Apostasy. We basically had to testify of the Book of Mormon and commit him to read it. That's all we can do. The Book of Mormon can resolve anyone's concerns as long as they read it with real intent and pray to God sincerely to know if it's true.

Then, we had a lesson with this lady named Agnus. She's from Scotland and is just the cutest old lady ever! We taught her about the Restoration and she thought that it was very interesting, so hopefully we'll see what she thinks about it when we go back this week. 

We went finding out in the boonies on Wednesday night and oh my gosh it was BEAUTIFUL!
I love serving on the Island :)
Thursday, we had weekly planning and we finished it in RECORD TIME! It was so cool! yay, miracles! Then we taught Debbie about the importance of praying and reading the Book of Mormon every day. It was a really good lesson and the spirit was strong. We even brought Book of Mormon stories for her two kids :)

Friday! We helped the lady that we gardened for on Tuesday again. It was good. I got to chop off the tops of rose bushes and whatnot. We gave her a Book of Mormon. She told us she wasn't interested in learning, but she said she would read the Book of Mormon. Everyone has their own time :) It was fun to help her out!

Then, we went and taught Ken and Shelley again. We explained the first few chapters of 1 Nephi to them to make sure that they were understanding everything they were reading. 

Friday night, we had a really cool miracle. So we went to stop by this lady that used to meet with the missionaries, and I accidentally pulled up too far forward. We got out of the car and there was this lady outside smoking right by where we parked the car. She started talking to us and told us that she had seen us before and normally slammed the door on us. She said that she could really use some help now though and would love to meet with us. Ahh...I love cool experiences like that!! 

Saturday we dropped by some people in the morning and then had lunch. We taught Melissa and it was so awesome! She watched this video: and then decided that she wants to fast to know if God is there! So we taught her about fasting and how it's a type of prayer. She is just doing so well! Everyone please pray for her that she will recognize her answer!  

Then, we went to a wedding!! But, we had missionary brain and thought it started at 2:30 . . . it started at 2! So we missed the actual ceremony. BAH! But here's the cute new couple. Andy is a member and Sam Moi isn't, but she comes to church almost every Sunday! They are so cute :)
We went to their dinner afterwards at a Chinese restaurant. It was delish! We got to talk to a lot of awesome people and tell them about what we do as missionaries. 

Sunday we had church! Mick, Debbie, and Ken were all able to come. It was so amazing :) 

Then we had a lesson with a guy named Mike, who recently got diagnosed with cancer. He kept telling us that he didn't know why he invited us back. We know why. Because we have the Gospel of Jesus Christ which can change his life.

Afterwards, I had a strong impression to go and visit this former investigator named Jeanie. She answered the door and told us that her and her husband were looking for a new career path. We talked about doing what Jesus would do by helping the poor and needy. We said a prayer for her and she just started crying. I know that God send us to her to help comfort her and give her peace as she is making this decision in her life. It was really amazing know that my companion and I were God's instruments.

Then we visited a cute member family, and then went finding for the rest of the night.

This week was so amazing. I just know that all the work that we put in, whether we are missionaries or not, is recognized by God. He is preparing people everywhere to learn about the gospel and we just need to be willing to open our mouths to be able to help these people find the truth. 

I love you all!

Sister Struempler 

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